Policy Paper:

CMI’s 2020 Budget Submission

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Read CMI's submission to the Treasury ahead of the March 2020 Budget. Our submission outlines the importance of investing in management and leadership development and makes recommendations to support high-quality apprenticeships.


“Chartered status proves I’m not just a theorist”

How becoming Chartered has helped Dr Amjad Shamim CMgr FCMI emphasise the practical value of his work

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Keeping up (your leadership skills) with the Kardashians

Four leadership lessons from reality TV’s most famous family

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Seven ways to fight back against the diversity and inclusion backlash  

“We’re at a potentially dangerous inflection point” for EDI, says CMI President Fiona Dawson. Here’s what we can do about it…

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Topic: Workplace Culture

What do the world’s happiest workplaces have in common?

How managers can cultivate a workplace culture that attracts top talent and drives sustained success

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