Case Studies
A view on qualifications
More than 80 percent of managers say that taking a management qualification has resulted in increased professional recognition, with most stating that employers prefer qualified managers when recruiting. This was confirmed by a further 53 percent advising that their qualification had helped them in gaining a promotion.
Chartered Manager - Combating bad management
Managers at all levels should be encouraged to undertake workforce training as often as possible, and the economic downturn should lead to an increase in training, not a decrease. We need to train managers in how to cope better with these types of situations, and those who manage people in particular need re-educating.
Chartered Manager - MOD
The Chartered Manager award will be of great benefit to me when I seek employment outside the Army and it will help enormously in positioning me at an appropriate senior level.
Chartered Manager - Royal Navy
It gives me that rubber stamp and kudos for things which I know implicitly I’ve been doing well for years.
Chartered Manager
The Chartered Manager award process has enabled me to focus on applying management theories and techniques to maximise my contribution to the organisation. It has raised my profile and allowed me the flexibility to put my knowledge and skills to good use. It has also set a good foundation for my continual professional development.
Chartered Manager - The route to professional success
It enabled me to benchmark my managerial attributes; the result of which increased my confidence to apply for senior appointments.

Dual Accreditation
‘The Chartered Management Institute is a globally accredited professional institute for management and the Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership is a stepping-stone for what I wish to achieve throughout my career as a productive and efficient team leader. A successful manager is one who is able to understand the roles of all their colleagues in order to help guide them and this is what the CMI qualification represents for me. I will continue working hard to earn the title of Chartered Manager’.
Brittany Lee Dixon | Dual Accreditation
I decided to register for the BA (Hons) Business Management Course because it provided me with the opportunity to study for a dual accreditation with the CMI. The fact that when I graduated I would not only receive my under graduate degree but, in addition, a level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership was one of the reasons I chose to study the dual accreditation.
Education Provider - Blended learning
The blended learning element is the most successful way of delivering and assessing the Institute’s qualifications and makes the best use
of learners’ time.