CMI Singapore

Inspiring Leaders

Welcome to the Chartered Management Institute - Singapore.

The Chartered Management Institute, Singapore Branch was established in 1976. Globally the CMI membership community has over 200,000 managers and leaders who share a vision of better led and managed organisations.

Our focus is to promote and support members in their development of management and leadership competencies and in the growth of their professional networks.

The CMI Singapore Branch Council organises events relevant to members, share best practices and information and build links with other professional organisations.

I look forward to meeting you and working together as we continue to jointly shape the future of leadership and management excellence in Singapore.

Tay Woon Teck CMgr CCMI, Chairman
Tay Woon Teck CMgr CCMI, Chairman

Our News & Updates

CMI Singapore Better Managers Series 2022 Event

Read about CMI Singapore’s recent physical event with panel speakers and networking held on 13th January 2022.

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Sustainable Cities and Communities

In just 50 years, Singapore has gone from a developing nation, to one of the smartest cities in the world.

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Articles by CMI Singapore

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Our Previous Events

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Board Members