Future Leaders Blog

Do you ever feel like you're struggling to get noticed or progressing more slowly than you would like?

CMI Future Leaders is here to help. This blog is designed to provide young professionals with the latest news, advice and guidance to help you get started in your career and make your mark on the world of leadership and management.

We'll be posting new content every couple of weeks - including tips from CMI students, graduates and leaders, updates on relevant opportunities and events and information on how to get more involved with us to boost your career.

Content Submissions

CMI believes that diversity makes us stronger and we are keen to feature a wide range of views and experiences. If you'd like to contribute to this blog please email a short summary of your blog idea including your contact details to: flsubmissions@managers.org.uk

40 entries found
Topic: Employability

Emphasis on Employability

Unemployment has been one of the most significant problems for university graduates and their non-graduate peers since 2008.

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Topic: Personal Development

Learning to Lead: The Digital Potential

Employers Are at Risk of Making Tech Savvy Managers Switch Off From Learning New Skills With Dated Digital Technology

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Topic: Personal Development

Expert advice for new managers from CMI members

Are you a new manager just starting out in the profession? Watch CMI members giving advice on how best to approach the role.

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Topic: Productivity

Healthcare Report Whitepaper

This paper places the findings from that research in the context of the health and social care sector

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