Mental Health & Wellbeing

Take control of your and your team's wellbeing

Now is the time for making allowances, being kind, and making sure you can spot the signs of stress in yourself and your team. This page is here to act as a resource for managers and leaders to help you step up and support in these unprecedented times.

It's ok to not be ok

The pandemic has exacerbated stress in the workplace, so how do we manage our own mental health and spot the signs in those around us? Listen to what our expert panel had to say at our recent event.

72% of employees rate wellbeing as a top priority for management
1 in 5 students have a diagnosed mental health problem

Only 4 in 10 employers have a formalised mental health and wellbeing strategy

Resources and Insights

Practical tools and tips for supporting yourself and your team.

Here are some tools, tips and templates that offer practical advice for adapting and managing change. A few key resources on other sites have been listed to the right, while CMI's own resources can be found linked below.

You can find more insights and resources on our Covid-19 Page.

190 entries found
Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Incorporating mental health days into sickness leave

From sick leave to stress leave, how many types of invisible illnesses should your policies cover?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Avoid burning out in your first job

It’s natural to want to succeed at work – but you shouldn’t sacrifice your health to do so.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Your personal well-being check-in

Not feeling quite yourself? We’ve created a checklist to help you assess your mood and overall attitude to work.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Links Between Mental Health And Technology

Chief Executive of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, Simon Blake OBE, recently spoke at Arden University to a group of

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Want a really inclusive workplace? Give managers the right skills

Managers aren’t supported with the training they need to deliver a truly inclusive culture, says CMI companion.

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How to Use Empathy in the Workplace

From active listening to coaching others, follow these tips to help you colleagues feel valued

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Time to Talk Day 2019: the Conversations We All Need to Be Having About Workplace Mental Health

This year’s time to talk day is asking us to think about how to have effective conversations about mental health

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Shocking Flaw in Your Mental Health Policy

Strategies for wellbeing do not support freelance workers

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The Better Managers Manual

Managing the New Normal

The #BetterManagers Manual offers a practical guide to navigating the impacts of Covid-19 for managers and leaders.

To support managers and leaders as they navigate this crisis - both for themselves and for those they manage - we have assembled a set of tried-and-tested tools and resources brought together through five key themes: flexible working; crisis management; mental health and wellbeing; the new employment landscape; and good governance.

Download the manual