
This is a space for people to stay up-to-date with all the latest knowledge, opinions and commentary on management and leadership topics from some industry leaders.

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Topic: Employability

How to Stop Your Best Workers Jumping Ship in 2016

A competitive salary and opportunity to work for a well-known brand are no longer the only major incentives for attracting

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Why It is Vital for Managers to Get Involved With Coaching

Giving Employees the Skills and Impetus to Excel Should Be an Integral Part of Management Styles, According to a Sales Expert

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Topic: Employment Landscape

What is a “Complex” business environment?

You read and hear; organisations nowadays operate in a “complex environment”. But what exactly is it?

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Topic: Governance

Key elements of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an organisation

CSR is being seen as the new business models for companies that want to be seen as more responsible organizations.

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