Our extensive range of articles are designed to keep you in the loop with all the latest management and leadership best practice, research and news.
The great office stand-off
Hybrid working vs full-time office working? Forcing employees back to the office vs consulting with employees?
“Studying doesn’t stop at GCSEs”
Kelly Craggs CMgr FCMI had a huge career pivot: from clinical cancer care to a lead nurse at an NHS Trust
How to boost productivity? Incentivise human capital investment
Why doesn’t investing in human capital have parity with investment in R&D and physical capital?
“Rigid, reluctant, demoralising” – accidental managers at work
An analysis of reactions to the CMI Better Managed Britain report and campaign
How to spot a perfectionist – and what to do if you are one
The pursuit of flawlessness can cause problems for managers and their teams. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism
How to leverage AI while preserving human skills
What leaders and managers need to know to balance AI, automation and the human touch
CMI celebrates International Women’s Day 2024: a message from CMI’s Patron, HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh GCVO
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Inspire Inclusion” – here are six actions that we can all take today
Highlights – 28 February
How to deal with the risks ahead – and why it’s never too late to change course
Rethinking project risk: finding opportunity in the unknown
Prebagaran Jayaraman shares why reframing your mindset around project risk can lead to increased project opportunities
Deep questions: What diving teaches us about uncertainty and risk
You’ll never entirely remove risk, so are you prepared for the unthinkable? Here’s what scuba diving can teach you
Risk management vs crisis management – are you in the right mode?
What happens when risk flips into crisis? Do you have the tools and behaviours required?