Our extensive range of articles are designed to keep you in the loop with all the latest management and leadership best practice, research and news.
A better managed Britain? The key facts at a glance
Discover the impact of great management and what employees want from their managers in this infographic
CMI Highlights – 18 October
CMI releases new research into the impact that good management and leadership can make
The ethnicity pay gap: What it is and how to take action
Ethnicity pay gap reporting isn’t given as much airtime as the gender pay gap, but it is just as important
CMI Highlights – 4 October
Awards season is here! Plus: creating intentional managers and boosting workplace wellbeing
Taking great management global
Get an update on CMI’s growing presence in some of the world’s fastest-growing markets
CMI Highlights – 20 September
This week: zooming in on data skills and Management & Leadership all over the world
How to think like a data scientist
Managers can improve the way they handle and interpret data by learning the tricks of this very specialist trade
Data vs gut: the great decision making debate
As the world becomes more data-driven, should you be prioritising data over your gut when decision making?
Can AI take on the role of decision-makers?
Currently, we don’t trust AI to make all of our decisions. What will it take to shift the AI trust gap?
CMI Highlights – 11 September
New CMI research reveals Management and Leadership is not a top priority for UK MPs, and more
The high-risk environment is here to stay: five steps to better decision making
All executive decisions involve risk, today more than ever. These five steps will help you to manage them effectively
The anatomy of a big decision
“It was the biggest decision of my life.” We dissect two managers’ most critical decisions