
Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.

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Topic: Personal Development

How to be a better remote worker

A challenge of remote work is not being able to see your team – or boss. This is how to show them how great you are

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Topic: Personal Development

How to set career goals and resolutions that will stick

Take a deep dive into how to successfully set and meet objectives, with all the tools you’ll need in one place

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Topic: Employment Landscape

Maternity leave: Expert tips for retaining your staff

Staff returning to work after parental leave relies on creating an environment where parents feel valued – if not, they’ll go

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Topic: Employability

How to impress in your new job – Advice from the experts

Impressing your boss when starting a new job isn’t always easy. Our expert says you need to concentrate on being reliable

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Topic: Communication

Between the lines: What football pros can teach managers

With the World Cup kicking off, we explore why awareness of body language is such a powerful skill for managers everywhere

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Topic: Communication

How to ask great questions: Five tips for managers

Thoughtful questions not only make you a more knowledgeable manager, but they also boost your teams’ effectiveness

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Topic: Personal Development

Give your career confidence a boost

Take a deep dive into workplace confidence and use these practical tips to improve your self-confidence and career prospects

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Topic: Support and Wellbeing

Men’s mental health: Using empathetic leadership

“Never walk on by”: Why you should prioritise empathy to support your male colleagues and staff

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Topic: Employee Engagement

How do I get the best out of my team remotely?

Expert advice for a manager who feels like they’ve been thrown in at the deep end to manage their team remotely

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

ESG: Leading the charge without impacting business performance

Discover six simple tools for leaders to deliver change without affecting profits

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

What you lose if you fall back on age stereotypes

A new CMI documentary has practical insights to counter age discrimination and revolutionise your managerial practice

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Men’s mental health: looking out for your male colleagues

Three times as many men as women die by suicide. This is how to notice a male colleague is struggling and get them to open up

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