
Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.

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Topic: Personal Development

Emotional intelligence and empathy in the workplace: a deep dive

EQ is vital for building and managing relationships at work, here’s how to improve it

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How to help your clients meet net zero

Consultants are increasingly asked to guide their clients on their net zero journey so we asked some experts for their advice

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

How to balance team wellbeing and productivity? – Advice from the Experts

“Teams who feel safe and connected work better together,” says Mental Health First Aid England

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Topic: Communication

Four simple steps to develop better active listening

Take a deep dive into this vital management skill and discover some simple techniques to improve your listening skills

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

How to get remote redundancies right

Don’t do an Elon Musk – this is how to execute remote redundancies sensitively and compassionately, even via a screen

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Topic: Project Management

How to build supply chain resilience in volatile times

It’s more important than ever for consultants to help clients build supply chain resilience – we asked some ChMC’s for advice

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Topic: Crisis Management

Cyber security: Why the biggest WFH risk actually comes from employees 

Working from home can leave businesses and their supply chains more vulnerable. Here’s 3 simple ways to protect your business

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Calling out unacceptable behaviour: “It’s all about communication”

These can be difficult situations for managers and leaders to navigate. So what’s the most effective way to do it?

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Topic: Personal Development

How to do effective remote performance reviews

Effective appraisals when working from home pose another post-pandemic management challenge: how should managers approach it?

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Topic: Support and Wellbeing

How can my team and I cope with the rising cost of living? – Advice from the Experts

Many people are struggling with rising costs. Kooth, the UK’s leading mental health platform, has some tips to help you

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Topic: Personal Development

The power of a light-hearted leadership style

Laughter has the power to boost your team’s performance. This is how to introduce humour into your management style

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Topic: Equality and Diversity

Got a multicultural team? This is how to get the holidays right

From annual leave to parties: when planning for the year ahead with a multicultural team, how do you include everyone?

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