
Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.

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Topic: Productivity

Is your team engaging in productivity theatre?

From late night emails to fake calendar appointments: discover the warning signs and what to do about it

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Topic: Time Management

Working while studying? Here’s six practical time management tips

Two CMI students share their tried-and-tested tips to avoid procrastinating and balance your work and studies

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Topic: Employee Engagement

These management strategies will supercharge your employee engagement

To get the best results from your employees, bite your lip, ask questions and listen well

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Topic: Communication

How to write the perfect professional email

It’s not just about grammar: you need to adapt the way you write to your audience and know how to best deliver bad news

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Topic: Difficult Conversations

Five things to consider when giving feedback to sensitive staff

If a team member struggles with receiving constructive criticism, your feedback requires a careful approach

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Topic: Communication

How to stop yourself overcommunicating as a manager?

“Repetition is the key, but not being irritatingly boring in the way that you go about it,” says Lord Mark Price CMgr CCMI

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Topic: Communication

Infographic: Understanding communication styles

Fine tuning your communication methods is a vital management skill

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Topic: Neurodiversity

How can you support a neurodivergent employee who finds communication difficult?

A lot of highly capable, neurodivergent people communicate and approach work differently. This is how you can support them

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Topic: Employment Landscape

How to win the war on talent – and many more insights from the CMI Women Conference 2023

Without fully inclusive practices, you may only be reaching a small pool of potential candidates and limiting your growth

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Topic: Crisis Management

How to develop an effective strategy that works, even during uncertainty

The secret, says strategy guru Craig Lawrence CBE FCMI FIC, is to keep thinking critically

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Topic: Gender

Male allyship in the workplace: how to be a better ally to women

Surveys have revealed a say-do chasm around standing up for women at work. So what needs to be done?

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Topic: Mental Health and Wellbeing

What managers need to know about anxiety

For Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re talking about anxiety and managers’ role in supporting their staff

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