Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.
Reignite your intrinsic motivation
Powerful insights to find your inner drive from a leading expert in intrinsic motivation. (None of them is about pay!)
How to investigate misconduct when an employee goes rogue on social media
To establish gross misconduct, you’ll need a social media policy, thorough investigation and reasonable response
Have you got a bullying culture?
An employer’s guide to identifying and tackling bullying behaviours in the workplace
How to respond when an employee goes rogue on social media
If an employee posts something controversial on social media, how should you respond?
An Olympian’s guide to high performance
Win at work with these six performance-boosting tips from Olympic athlete Jack Green
Hybrid collaboration: 8 best practices for 2021
Is hybrid collaboration possible, and, if so, how? Virtual working expert Penny Pullan offers her top tips
How to support employees through burnout
The warning signals that a team member is showing symptoms of stress and burnout – and how to step up as their manager
Youth Skills Day: the lessons I learned from my first role
Leaders from various sectors share the lessons they learned early in their career, in honour of World Youth Skills Day
Better Managers Roadmap
The Better Managers Roadmap will help you navigate through for a successful return to the workplace with resources, top tips.
Intentional time-management tips
Students often juggle multiple projects for many modules at once, making an intimidating to-do list – so here are timely tips
‘Guerrilla networking’: how to build connections with style and speed
A self-taught guerrilla networker shares what he’s learned about building strong and lasting relationships on the go
Culture change in a virtual world – urgency is the key
Here’s a fascinating interview with Teddy Nyahasha, who took over as CEO just as the pandemic hit