Looking for advice and guidance? Whether you are looking for topical tips or information, you can find the latest advice and guidance from the CMI team here.
Mentoring: the manager’s deep dive
Take a deep dive into what good mentoring looks like and the skills and knowledge you need to make the most of it as a mentor
Managing smarter, not harder
Policing leadership guru Dr Peter Neyroud CBE CMgr CCMI on the science of prioritising limited resources
The maturity challenge: how to retain your older workers
ONS research reveals how to support older employees to stay in the workplace for longer
Change management: a manager’s deep dive
Do you have the skills to succeed in today’s volatile environment? We take a closer look at core tools you need
Managers have to deal with their biases – here’s how
Dealing with biases is critical for a truly diverse and inclusive organisation. Overcome yours with these leadership lessons
How to be an LGBTQIA+ ally as a manager
“Allyship is more than just saying, ‘We are pro-LGBTQIA+’”. It’s about active buy-in and a willingness to learn
Managing neurodiversity in the workplace
Neurodivergent people can bring valuable skills to any workplace, as long as the working environment plays to their strengths
Lone working: the dangers, and tools for coping
More people are finding themselves working alone. Here are some potential impacts and expert techniques for coping
Social anxiety and how to manage it
For many, anxiety can have a distressing and debilitating impact. If you’re struggling, the experts at Kooth have some advice
Are you a manager who spreads stress?
It’s easy to trigger the fight-or-flight stress reaction among your people. Here’s how you’re doing it – and how to stop
Seven ways to support your staff during Ramadan
During Ramadan, Muslims across the world will be fasting throughout the month. How can you be a supportive manager?
Monday morning meetings: the best start to the week?
Make your Monday morning meetings more meaningful with these five top tips – and become a meeting marvel