Levelling Up Blueprint Misses a Golden Opportunity
Thursday 03 February 2022Ann Francke, CEO, CMI:
It's good to see the Government recognising that levelling up is as much about people as it is about places. Unless people have the right skills to do their jobs, local businesses won't grow, areas won't regenerate and productivity won't improve.
It’s also good to see a commitment to working collaboratively to improve the uptake of productivity-enhancing technologies and management practises by businesses. CMI looks forward to working with stakeholders on this important agenda.
We are disappointed to not see specific reference to management education. Management and leadership skills are core skills that ensure people can access high quality employment and thrive in that employment - problem solving, team working and communication.
Without this focus we miss an opportunity to address gaps at an early age or stage to boost individual's prospects and the long-term performance of the UK's nations and regions.
For further information on CMI’s levelling up policy proposals see our report, ‘Levelling Up - Mind The Productivity Gap’