Awards & Ceremonies
Open University Students and Alumni Shine at Annual Awards.
Students and Alumni Congratulated
Students and Alumni were congratulated on their exceptional performance in 2014 either in their studies or in their contribution to society or the workplace at a recent Open University Business School (OUBS) awards ceremony.
CMI was delighted to be able to award a prize to the winner of the Alumni Award for Contribution to an Organisation or Society – Jeremy Roebuck.
Jeremy won for his work with Grow Movement which helps entrepreneurs in Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda. He has driven operational performance in Rwanda creating over a hundred new jobs; built a new relationship with the Scottish government and enabled over twenty new volunteers to share in an incredible experience.
Ian Myson, Director of Partnerships at CMI was delighted to present Jeremy with a years membership to CMIand also a set of the latest Checklist Series of books.
Sponsoring the award is another element of the ongoing partnership between CMI and OUBS. Students and alumni can take advantage of two different membership packages, both designed to support them in their career and personal development, at a discount, in recognition of their OUBS qualification.