Malaysia student success in CMI Awards of Excellence

November 2024

This month saw the announcement of the winners of the CMI Awards of Excellence, and a Malaysia student won in the International Student of the Year category.

🏆CMI’s International Student of the Year 2024: Akshaya Thanasegaran 🏆

As the eldest daughter in her family, Akshaya Thanasegaran grew up with plenty of responsibilities. With an eye on her future prospects, and inspired by her cousin, she decided to complete an accountancy qualification, so she enrolled on the Diploma of Accountancy at IPK College Penang, Malaysia.

Despite grappling with self-doubt during her studies, Akshaya has taken on leadership roles in several subjects and has proactively assisted peers. She has now been named CMI’s International Student of the Year 2024.

Her tutors said: “Akshaya’s active participation in class discussions and willingness to assist peers in assignments and in clarifying doubts exemplify her leadership. She consistently treats everyone with equality and respect, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment that aligns with CMI’s principles of inclusivity and integrity.”

Among her extracurricular achievements, she was Vice President of IPK’s Culture Club; led her team to victory in an entrepreneurship competition; won the Internal Accounting Ignition Competition; and came second in the Battle of Accounting Championship. She also organised and participated in an industry seminar that featured three major speakers from the accounting field.

The CMI Awards of Excellence judges were impressed with Akshaya’s dedication and commitment to ongoing learning and development.