Management Publication of the Year 2024

Awarded by

Logos for Chartered Management Institute, Chartered Association of Business Schools and British Academy of Management

In association

Logo for British Library

What are the Management Publication of the Year Awards?

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Meet our winners
Sustainable Futures

This category will celebrate research that sets out to positively impact people and planet. Increased understanding of equality, diversity, inclusion and respect as an approach to leadership, business and management in all sectors, how it is helping our society reflect on the type of world we want to live in, our collective values, and new ways of generating and distributing wealth to ensure the wellbeing of people and our planet.

At the same time, the work nominated in this category will further our understanding of a greener economy, our transition therein, and the leadership and management of this fast-changing, evolving piece of the wider economy. We want to celebrate the best of research that takes people and planet into account, and maps innovative steps towards positive change.

SME Growth

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) often struggle to access the resources, expertise and knowledge they need to achieve the growth they imagine. This category celebrates research that seeks to address these challenges and aims to transform practice by presenting insights to positively impact a green growth economy that includes SMEs.

Social Enterprise and Innovation

Not all business or organisational activity is directed towards profit and maximised return. This category will celebrate research into social enterprise and innovation, looking at research into communities and their organisation, not-for-profit, third sector organisations, and social enterprise research that reveals the problems they face and valuable insights into the process, practices and possibilities for positive collective action.


Management Publication of the Year

Men Stepping Forward

Elisabeth Kelan

Read the report


Sustainable Futures

Blog Series

Sreevas Sahasranamam

Read the blog


SME Growth

The Scaling Value Playbook

Ian Gray and John Bessant

Buy the book


Social Enterprise and Innovation

Men Stepping Forward

Elisabeth Kelan

Read the report