
On target: why archer and compliance pro Mark opted for a Senior Leader Apprenticeship

Written by Jamie Oliver Tuesday 14 January 2025
Quality and assurance director Mark Braham joined the army aged 16 and later forged a career in compliance. Aged 51, he has embarked on a management apprenticeship to help fulfil his career ambitions.
Mark Braham

“Anyone can shoot a bow, but only a mentally prepared archer who can deal with pressure and nerves will win gold,” says Mark Braham, who, at 51, has just started a Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship with Imperial College London and Corndel. 

Not only is Mark a fan of archery, he coaches it at his home club near Telford, Shropshire. For the county, he’s an Archery GB ambassador and he volunteers to support the British Paralympic team. 

“The psychological aspect of the game is often more important than skill and strength,” he says, “but archery is a great way to relax and clear the mind.”

In Mark’s day job, he is quality and assurance director at facilities management firm Mitie. His job is about standards, processes, training, data, certification and compliance. And while that might seem to be a world away from bows, arrows, quivers and targets, there are in fact clear parallels: a lot of science and engineering, hitting targets and, of course, precision.

“I was paid in milk”

Mark left school in 1990 aged 16 and joined the British Army’s Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. 

“My grandfather was in the navy,” he says, “and my mother and father were both in the army, so it was kind of expected. As a kid, I’d always loved restoring old cars, engines and farm equipment (for which I was paid in milk), so it was a natural step for me.”

Read more: Mark’s move to civvy street


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