
How degree apprenticeships at Teesside University are enhancing NHS leadership

Written by Ian Wylie Wednesday 08 January 2025
Led by Paula Bednarz-Withers, Teesside University’s degree apprenticeship programmes are equipping leaders with the skills to improve patient care, staff satisfaction and organisational outcomes.
Image of Paula Bednarz-Withers

The NHS seems to be under constant pressure and scrutiny. But through leadership and management education, Teesside University is helping to drive tangible transformation and growth in the healthcare sector in North East England and beyond. 

Paula Bednarz-Withers is principal lecturer in staffing and resources for allied health professions at Teesside University. Leadership is central to her work, even if it’s not explicitly in her job title. 

Over the past six years, Paula, together with her team of colleagues, have led the development and delivery of cutting-edge programmes at Teesside, including the MSc in Global Leadership and Management in Healthcare (Senior Leader Apprenticeship) and the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship, which are aimed at developing the strategic capabilities of healthcare professionals. 

“Leadership isn’t just about studying theories,” says Paula. “It’s about hard work, stepping out of your comfort zone and using the tools, models and reflective practices that we teach to improve patient outcomes and staff satisfaction.”

Strategic evolution

The university’s programmes cater to a wide range of learners, from ambitious early-career healthcare professionals to senior practitioners already serving in leadership roles. The evolution of the student profile has been striking, says Paula. 

“When we started, our learners were mostly senior, but not strategic, leaders. Now, we’re seeing more individuals in strategic roles, reflecting our growing reputation.”


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