
“As a manager, I’ll never stop learning”

Written by Caroline Roberts Friday 16 August 2024
Chartered Manager of the Week Ram Sharan Thapa CMgr FCMI is both an experienced engineer and a big believer in fostering a culture of continuous development
Ram Sharan Thapa CMgr FCMI

Sustainability is Ram Sharan Thapa CMgr FCMI’s passion, partly fuelled by the special environment of his Nepal home. Footage on his LinkedIn page shows him biking along wooded trails against the backdrop of the towering peaks of the Annapurna mountain range.

As an engineering manager working under the senior estate facilities manager for the UK’s Defence Infrastructure Organisation in Nepal, he is supporting the organisation’s long-term goals for sustainable estate management at the UK Ministry of Defence’s site in Pokhara, which runs recruitment for Gurkhas to the British Army. It’s a role that involves ensuring the safety of the property, the people who use it and also the wider environment.

Out of their comfort zone

Sharan believes that becoming more sustainable isn’t a choice, but a necessity. When it comes to the integration of emerging green technologies, changing mindsets is one of the biggest challenges.

Read more: Taking people with you


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