
“You need managers for an efficient and productive health service”

Written by CMI Insights Wednesday 17 July 2024
New health secretary Wes Streeting says the NHS is “broken”. Is part of the issue a lack of well trained managers? CMI is at the heart of this debate
Young pharmaceutic seller explaining something to doctor in hospital.

With 1.4 million staff, the National Health Service (NHS) is the largest employer in Europe. Yet despite its cherished status, there is a growing acknowledgment that change is needed. Incoming Labour health secretary Wes Streeting has stated that “the NHS is broken”.

It’s often said that the NHS’s problems are partly down to having too many managers. Yet there’s a growing argument that the opposite is true.

In 2024, CMI and the Social Market Foundation released a report, A Picture of Health?, which found that “compared to the wider economy, the English NHS appears to be under-managed”.

Read on: the BBC’s More or Less weighs in


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