
Highlights – 8 May

Wednesday 08 May 2024
Respect, recognition and rabbits: How to get the most out of your teams
A person reaching for a star

CMI Awards of Excellence 2024

Nominations close July 5th

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Celebrate success: Don't miss out on recognising someone for this years' awards.

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“Think about your workplace… how people respond when they feel respected.” So said 

Sir Keir Starmer in a recent speech at the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers' (Usdaw) Annual Conference. The Labour leader was citing CMI research, which found that 80% of managers believe strengthening workers rights to be beneficial for productivity. 

Strengthening rights is just one way to ensure your team feels respected. 

You can also show that you’re helping to break down the barriers to a fulfilling career. There’ll be more on that at tomorrow’s CMI’s Women Conference on 9 May in the City of London, which this year is themed around inclusive growth in the next decade. Book now – last chance!

Isabel Berwick, careers editor at the FT, shared her five tips on modern management. She said bringing trust and humanity, recognising everyone’s differences and listening and learning are all hugely important too. 

But it also helps to walk the talk. This law firm is planning a significant investment in training courses for its staff, as a result of CMI’s better management findings.

Good job

Speaking of better management, Ann Francke featured in the latest episode of Management Today podcast, arguing the case for effective leadership. For Ann, the best foundation for good managers is self-awareness and self-confidence.

Daisy Hooper added a different slant in People Management, pointing out that effective managers are the linchpins of successful onboarding, as they drive employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity.

We know great managers exist, so give them recognition and nominate them for the CMI Awards of Excellence. Categories include Chartered Manager of the Year, Apprentice of the Year and Volunteer of the Year. Get nominating!

Pet peeves? 

Finally, to the role our furry friends can play here. Pets are said to stave off feelings of isolation among hybrid and remote workers. But are they actually making a dog’s dinner of your productivity? We put the question to the CMI community. You can read the results here



Image: Shutterstock / eamesBot

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