
So you’re a junior employee. How can you influence cultural change?

Written by Beth Gault Tuesday 26 March 2024
In the third in our series of articles on cultural change, Dr Chan Abraham CMgr FCMI explains how to follow the correct processes and communicate with care
Two fishbowls. A large bowl with a small goldfish and a small bowl with a large goldfish

As a junior employee, it is easy to consider yourself a small fish in a large pond, especially in comparison to senior and middle managers. But you shouldn’t underestimate your potential influence, says Dr Chan Abraham CMgr FCMI, founder and CEO of Leadership International. 


In case you missed it…

This is the third in a series of articles with Dr Chan Abraham CMgr FCMI.

Read part 1 on senior managers can transform culture Read part 2 on how middle managers can transform culture

Dr Chan Abraham


“It is in the best interests of people at the top to be genuinely interested in the people further down the organisation,” he says, “but all too often that’s not the case. However, most CEOs will know that the business can fail due to basic mistakes and lack of attention to detail by the people whom they might be inclined to overlook due to their junior positions.

“So, if you are that ‘small fish’, remember that you may have more power, and therefore potential to be heard, than you think.”

Understand your options

It is crucial to understand how to get your voice heard in an environment where organisational rank determines your access to decision makers.

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