
How to write the perfect professional email

Written by CMI Insights Tuesday 25 July 2023
Writing the perfect email not only means nailing the beginning, middle and end, but adapting the way you write to your audience and knowing how to best deliver bad news
Stock photo of woman writing an email

Key takeaways:

  • Make sure your emails are appropriate for your audience.
  • Make your emails as easy as possible to read and process.
  • Less is more. Three short paragraphs is a good rule of thumb.

Our written communication makes just as strong a first impression as a handshake. A poorly written email can hamper a relationship as much as a limp grip. 

It’s been shown that a lack of email skills and understanding of who you’re writing for can make you seem incompetent and unprofessional. Not only that, but poorly written messages can also cause confusion and even miscommunications, which can have obvious knock-on effects for productivity.

When the average worker is said to send 40 emails each day, there’s no doubt that being able to compose a good email is an essential skill to have. We’ve brought together some of the best advice, from neurolinguists to management thinkers, to help you nail your emails.

Want to learn more about the formula for a perfect email?


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