This documentary explores what best practice looks like in modern management by looking at the barriers that remain to inclusive practice and maximising talent in the workplace, and how - as managers and leaders, we can take steps to overcome these barriers.


This documentary explores what best practice looks like in modern management by looking at the barriers that remain to inclusive practice and maximising talent in the workplace, and how - as managers and leaders, we can take steps to overcome these barriers.


The UK's management and leadership positions lack diversity, with ethnic groups representing just 12% of managers despite comprising 13% of the workforce. Both government and employers must take substantial action to address this gap. So what needs to change?

Socio-Economic Background

Socio-economic background and social mobility are intertwined but difficult to define due to various factors influencing individual outcomes. Watch this documentary to understand how they play a significant role in workplace and societal inequalities.


To address gender inequality and discrimination in the economy, concrete actions are necessary. How can employers and managers further promote a balanced workplace? Gain insights from diverse perspectives in this episode, where individuals across sectors share their experiences and ideas for fostering fair and equitable opportunities.


In CMI's 75th Anniversary research, 95% of respondents who believed their organisation lacked representation of older workers cited limited recruitment efforts or uncertainty about any action being taken. Embracing multigenerational teams is crucial as people work longer. What measures should employers implement to enhance age diversity and inclusion at work?


To promote economic participation for individuals with disabilities, actionable steps are crucial. How can employers and managers further tap into the talent within our workforce? Learn from real-life experiences of disability in the workplace in this documentary, where participants share their testimonials and insights on creating inclusive and accessible work environments.


To tackle discrimination and barriers hindering LGBTQIA+ individuals' economic participation, actionable steps are crucial. How can employers and managers foster an inclusive workplace for everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation?