The Everyone Economy - CMI
CMI Resource

The Everyone Economy

CMI’s plan for sharing work, opportunity and success.

Over a third of UK employees - some 6.9 million - felt discriminated against because of their background in the workplace

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Our latest research finds systemic barriers to workplace inclusion, despite many organisations and individuals saying they embrace equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives. The challenges are also greatest for already minoritised groups, who more often feel overlooked and experience discrimination.

Economic Growth and long-term resilience depend on utilising all the talent and perspectives in our workforce. We all need to act now to ensure we are not missing out. This is the opportunity of ‘The Everyone Economy.’

The Everyone Economy

This report calls on all managers, leaders and organisations, and policy-makers and legislators, to step up; to move away from passivity to far greater activism, so that all may catch up and we can collectively prosper.

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As a leader, if you do just 5 things after reading this report:

  • Ask yourself challenging questions and pay attention to the answers
  • Ensure it’s for all managers not just EDI specialists
  • Put together a plan and track progress
  • Be a story-teller and a role model
  • Embrace flexible working

Share your pledges with your social network now and start making a difference

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The Workplace in Review

As part of 'The Everyone Economy', we are working on a series of six documentaries to understand the barriers that remain to create fair and inclusive workplaces, and the steps we need to take in order to overcome them. Catch up on the three already released documentaries, and keep an eye out for our Disability, Age and LGBTQ+ episodes coming soon.


A lack of diversity in management and leadership positions is a longstanding problem in the UK. So what needs to change?

Socio-Economic Background

Socio-economic background can influence inequalities in the workplace and in wider society. What are the practical steps leaders can take for positive action?


This documentary seeks to understand how the ever-present barriers to gender inclusion and equality can be overcome through targeted action.