Videos and Webinars:

Managing Remote Teams: Walk a mile in their shoes

Monday 07 June 2021

As we build back better there are many opportunities to "do different" and improve the way in which we work, and continuing to work remotely is one of those things that we can develop.
The pandemic created a shift in the way we work. This meant organisations had to meet the needs of their employees, whilst working remotely. This raised new demands and challenges for managers as people had to adapt to this new way of working.

In this session...

This digital event goes into depth of the do’s and don’t of managing your team remotely. David McLaughlin talks about the challenges and opportunities of managing teams whilst remote working, and how to overcome them. Although lockdown is in the past, it is thought that the flexibility of remote working is here to stay. It is important to become aware of the challenges remote working brings, managers must support their employees and increase open and honest communication to ensure the emotional needs of remote teams are met and obstacles can be tackled to facilitate success.


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