
Do you have the right C-suite for the future?

Written by Emma Molloy Tuesday 06 September 2022
How can businesses ensure their boards are preparing well for future challenges? You want new perspectives, the right experts and longer-term thinking, say the CMI Companions
A group of people sitting around a large table in a boardroom

Patrick Dunne CMgr CCMI is undoubtedly an expert on boards. His wealth of experience as a chair, board member, and founder of consultancy firm Boardelta has been codified in his award-winning book on the topic, Boards – a guide to life as a board member. 

A lot has happened since its publication in 2019, and not just the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. “One word sums up where we are right now, and that’s flux,” he says. 

“There seems to be so many fundamentally important things combining together to make a very challenging environment for boards: the pandemic, geopolitical issues, economic flux, social change, technology, diversity and inclusion. And all of these are probably warm ups for probably the biggest thing of all that’s coming down the tracks and already here: the impact of climate change.

“Amid this, boards have done a very good job of navigating a series of incredibly tough challenges and are now generally more agile than before.”

Patrick brought together a group of CMI Companions to discuss just how boards can exercise their agility to face this broad set of challenges head on – and they had three tips to ensure you have the right board to navigate whatever the future throws at you.

Keep reading to discover three ways to future-proof your board


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