Current research
Management Insights - CMI Research in 2018
Management and leadership is changing. Our research is about helping managers understand how – and what they can do to improve performance and productivity. All our recent papers can be downloaded via the pages below.
In 2018, we're focusing on key pillars including future leaders, inclusivity and diversity, the role of business in society, and Apprenticeships
Recent Research Launches:
- National Apprenticeship Week
Managers back apprenticeships for workers of all ages as a way to overturn the long-term employer underinvestment in skills, according to a new survey of 1,640 managers by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). - Salary Survey
New data from the Chartered Management Institute and XpertHR show basic salaries and bonuses for directors and senior managers have fallen in real terms, with inflation overtaking pay increases for the first time in five years.
Taking Part
Whether as an individual or organisation, there are numerous ways to help shape CMI's research.
Every CMI member is invited to take part in our regular surveys and we often seek input through our social media channels, like the CMI LinkedIn group.
Plus, we're always interested in hearing about examples of good management and leadership or potential partners on specific projects. If you’d like to share your story, or if you'd like to partner with CMI, email
21st Century Leaders - Building employability through higher education.
Supporting student employability is an urgent challenge for universities – and has national significance.
Management and leadership under-performance is a major factor in the productivity gap between the UK and its international competitors. Addressing that is vital if the country is to succeed in global markets and thrive in a post-Brexit world.

Introducing the CMI/Glassdoor Top 20: Rating leadership and culture at work
Our exclusive research with Glassdoor reveals the UK organisations with the highest-rated culture and leadership. Time to polish that LinkedIn profile...

Nine need-to-know management trends
Dig deeper with our analysis of key themes across the UK's Top 20 companies for leadership and culture. This is what they are prioritising right now!

The Age of Apprenticeships
School leavers from disadvantaged backgrounds risk missing out on ‘free’ degree apprenticeships.

Management Manifesto
Poor management is estimated to cost the UK £84bn in lost productivity a year – £9bn more than the £75bn that the Institute for Fiscal Studies has estimated could be lost every year by 2030 if the UK left the single market.

Future Forecast for 2017
The majority of UK managers are pessimistic about the UK’s economic prospects for 2017, yet remain resolutely positive about their own business, according to the annual Future Forecast from the Chartered Management Institute.

Good Leadership
Culture, ethics and conduct in financial services. The report includes data from a MoralDNA personality profiling of 24,000 financial services professionals, with new analysis revealing that managers rank in the bottom quarter of employees based on how likely they are to show the ‘ethic of care for others’ at work.