
This is a space for people to stay up-to-date with all the latest knowledge, opinions and commentary on management and leadership topics from some industry leaders.

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Topic: Personal Development

Always think ‘we’ rather than ‘I’, says our Chartered Manager of the Week

How CMI helped Yong Kok Fei CMgr FCMI make the challenging transition to managing a remote team

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Topic: Personal Development

How I created a leadership development programme based on CMI principles

How Simon Takel CMgr FCMI created a leadership development programme that is having a big impact at Exeter College

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Topic: Personal Development

Alight here for better management: degree apprenticeships at Transport for London

Two TfL management degree apprentices on finding the best route into a satisfying career…

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Topic: Personal Development

Why James became a Chartered Manager after 24 years in the army

In the army, James Bowman undertook management qualifications to ensure he had skills that would transfer to civilian life

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Topic: Personal Development

“It’s about fostering an environment that supports women”

Chartered Manager of the Week Emma Finney CMgr FCMI has climbed the career ladder while volunteering and raising a family

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Topic: Personal Development

“It was a leap of faith… I’ve never looked back”: From completing to teaching a Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship

Dawn Fletcher-Wilde CMgr MCMI had over 16 years of NHS experience before she enrolled on a degree apprenticeship

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Topic: Personal Development

“Chartered Manager status was my Everest”

How Chartered status gave Steven Platts CMgr FCMI the confidence to take on a C-suite position

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Topic: Personal Development

The value of Chartered Managers to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Keeping emotions in check and making effective decisions under pressure

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Topic: Personal Development

“I wanted to walk the walk”: what a Level 7 apprenticeship taught NHS manager Debbie

Completing a Senior Leader Apprenticeship has given Debbie McArthur credibility, she says

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Topic: Personal Development

“Some of the feedback kept me up at night”

Eye-opening conversations about her management style pushed Sam Canham CMgr FCMI to work on her people skills

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Topic: Personal Development

“At times, I doubted my own skills… I overcame this by achieving Chartered Manager status”

Chartered Manager of the Week Dr Naznin Tabassum CMgr MCMI shares how becoming Chartered gave her the confidence to overcome

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Topic: Personal Development

“I thought my CV was amazing…”

University of Greenwich student Jail Anaur Chipantiza Guashpa explains the impact that a CMI Dual Accredited degree can make

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